Addiction is nothing but a voluntary Madness.

Ajit Singh

Addiction is a family disease. One person uses and the whole family suffers….

Dear Guardians,
I hold no shame or guilt while I openly admit to you all that only after living a hell of a life of an addict and knowing the pain of it I was able to muster enough courage to start an institution where I could promise to wipe off tears from faces marred by a near and dear one.

I humbly submit my contribution to the society by taking this step and standing with you all in fighting this monster of Addiction.

Ajit Singh

  • Alcohol
  • Opioids
  • Medicines
  • Cocaine
  • LSD Know more

The Worldwide acclaimed Narcotics Anonymous’ 12 Step Program goes a long way in…….. know more

Society by and large contributes to an addicts life both positively and negatively….know more

Identifying a prospective addict in the initial stages helps a family in many ways…………know more


This is just a test message waiting for some intelligent inputs.

This is just a test message waiting for some intelligent inputs.

This is just a test message waiting for some intelligent inputs.

This is just a test message waiting for some intelligent inputs.

Here we have provided some figures of Indian addicts & items used.

This is just a test message waiting for some intelligent inputs.

This is just a test message waiting for some intelligent inputs.

This is just a test message waiting for some intelligent inputs.